123 VanBrunt Street Moscow, Pennsylvania 18444 | 570.842.1699

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Local Artist Exhibition

The performing arts community in Louisville, Kentucky is undergoing a renaissance. The Kentucky Center, dedicated in 1983, located in the downtown hotel and entertainment district, is a premiere performing arts center. It features a variety of plays and concerts, and is the performance home of the Louisville Ballet, Louisville Orchestra, Broadway Across America – Louisville, Music Theatre Louisville, Stage One, KentuckyShow! and the Kentucky Opera, which is the twelfth oldest opera in the United States. The center also manages the historic W. L. Lyons Brown Theatre, which opened in 1925 and is patterned after New York’s acclaimed Music Box Theatre.

                                                              The Moscow Borough Business Office and DPW Department will be  
                                                                CLOSED Monday February 17 2025 in observance of Presidents Day
                                                               CURBSIDE RECYCLING (PAPER) WILL BE PICKED UP ON TUESDAY February 18, 2025
                                                                We will resume regular Business Office and DPW hours Tuesday February 18, 2025