Police Department

The Moscow Borough Police Department employs three full-time and several part-time police officers. The department is responsible for enforcement of Borough Ordinances and PA State Laws. The department is community-oriented and participates in seat belt programs, car seat safety checks, general safety, tours of the department, and other programs in our school district. The department instituted a Rape Aggression Defense (RAD) Self-Defense Course for women in 1998 and a radKIDS Personal Empowerment Safety Education Program for children ages five through twelve in 2001. Both programs are listed on the Moscow Borough website or you can contact Chief Ivy L. Brenzel, Instructor for more information.
The Police Department is located in the municipal building located at 123 Van Brunt Street. The police are dispatched through the Lackawanna County Public Safety Center (911).
For non-emergency calls or information, the Police Department can be reached at 570.842.2061 or email Police@Moscowboro.com
The Police Department provides security checks while residents are out-of-town for any length of time.
Police Department resident/business information (Please complete the security check request form below and send it to the Police Department. Information will be kept confidential).
The Rape Aggression Defense System is a program of realistic, self-defense tactics and techniques. The RAD System is a comprehensive course for women that begins with awareness, prevention, risk reduction and avoidance, while progressing on to the basics of hands-on defense training. RAD is not a Martial Arts program. Our courses are taught by certified RAD Instructors and provide you with a workbook/reference manual. This manual outlines the entire Physical Defense Program for reference and continuous personal growth. Safety and survival in today’s world requires a definite course of action. We provide effective options by teaching women to take an active role in their own self-defense and psychological wellbeing.
Contact Chief Ivy L. Brenzel of the Moscow Police Department at 570.842.2061 to register.
radKIDS is a comprehensive, foundational safety education program for children (boys and girls), ages 5-7 and 8-12. It focuses on seven core areas: Home Safety (including gun safety and Internet safety), School Safety (including bullying prevention and defense), Out and About Safety, Vehicle Safety, Stranger Tricks (including physical defense against abduction), Personal Safety (including good, bad and uncomfortable touch) and Self-Realization of Personal Power.
The program is designed to help children recognize potential hazards, and provide them with realistic options for effective response. By empowering them to make positive choices we hope to enable them to avoid or escape the cycle of violence. Chief Ivy Brenzel is an instructor for this program and can be contacted at 570.842.2061 for further information.
Visit radKIDS.org for more information.
Unused or expired prescriptions and over-the-counter medications can be dropped off at the Moscow Borough Police Department to be placed in a collection box Monday through Friday 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.