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$ 40.00

NOTE: Supplemental and final fees applicable to all applications:

​1. All such reasonable legal, engineering and consulting fees associated with the Borough’s review, inspection, re-inspection and evaluation of any and all plans and documents submitted to the Borough in association with any application.​

2. Any and all county, state, or federal fees or charges to the Borough associated with the application.

Variances, appeals, special exception, conditional uses, zoning amendments or other hearings requiring Zoning Hearing Board or Borough Council action.

$ 1,000.00

(Public notice and overhead costs, plus stenographic fee. Any balance will be refunded to the applicant. Applicant will pay any expenses above fee.)

NOTE: Supplemental and final fees applicable to all applications:

1. Actual costs of advertising of any associated hearing.

​2. Stenographer appearance fee – shared equally by the Borough and the applicant. The cost of the original transcript shall be paid by the Borough if the transcript is ordered by the Borough or shall be paid by the person appealing from the decision of the Borough if such appeal is made. The cost of additional copies shall be paid by the person requesting such copies. In other cases, the party requesting the original transcript shall bear the cost thereof.​

3. All such reasonable legal, engineering and consulting fees associated with the Borough’s review, inspection, re-inspection and evaluation of any and all plans and comments submitted to the Borough in association with any application.

​4. Any and all county, state or federal fees or charges to the Borough associated with application.

Zoning Permits